January 2019

  • Katagiri Roshi

    ‘In the realm of science, or business, literature, sports, the arts, or whatever you do, these…

  • Suzuki Roshi

    ‘We are Buddha. This is rather difficult to accept. So we say, Zen Buddhism is very…

  • What Comes Alive?

    After the rains, it has been clear and milder on the whole. I drove up to…

  • Dana Velden

    ‘A kitchen chore will often tether us to a place: the sink, the chopping board, the…

  • Terrance Hayes

    American Sonnet For The New Year things got terribly ugly incredibly quickly things got ugly embarrassingly…

  • Silvia Boorstein

    ‘Wise intention is what keeps our lives heading in the right direction. If I want to…

  • Multimedia Extravaganza!

    Sometime last year I decided to send some money WordPress’ way so that I could host…

  • angel Kyodo williams

    ‘The question is: how do we allow people to be deeply in touch with themselves, and…

  • Joshu

    A monk asked, “What is the mind that the Patriarch brought from the west?” The master…

  • Sharon Salzberg

    ‘When we feel conflicted about a particular decision or action, our bodies often hold the answer…