December 2019

  • Decades

    I haven’t really wrapped my head around the fact that the decade is turning over this…

  • Reb Anderson

    ‘The paramitas invite us to train in innumerable ways in order to become thoroughly and completely…

  • Martin Appletree

    Stumbling upon the unexpected, you are realized anew. I have been enjoying Martin’s poems on his…

  • Koun Yamada

    ‘All the anxieties and suffering of humanity stem from the paradox that while we are by…

  • Nyogen Senzaki

    ‘This mind is Buddha and no other, but one who clings to words and postulates an…

  • Miaoxin

    ‘Seventeen monks, traveling in search of enlightenment, came to visit the famous teacher Master Yangshan Huiji.…

  • Hongzhi

    ‘Thoroughly observing each thing with the whole eye is a patch-robed monk’s spontaneous conduct.’ (Cultivating the Empty…

  • Shundo Aoyama

    ‘Spring comes to all, equally. It does not come quickly because someone wants it to, or…

  • Dogen

    ‘Once someone asked: “Suppose a student, hearing it taught that he himself is the Buddhadharma and…

  • Basho

    Now, as soon as eyes of the hawk, too, darken quail chirp