The dharma seat surrounded by notes and books for my recent Dogen class.

On Mondays at 11:00am west coast time (7:00pm for participants in the UK), I offer a weekly sitting and discussion group. The group starts with 20-25 minutes of zazen, a chance to ask questions and share thoughts about practice, and also includes a short reading, mostly from Suzuki Roshi (starting with Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, and also including other talks he gave) which we use as the basis for our discussion.

This is a drop-in group, so there is no need to rsvp or make a particular commitment – though of course consistency is beneficial for our practice and creates a stronger, more authentic container. Join this Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 931 943 7927 – Passcode: vBV77Q).

My regular ongoing student group meets every other Monday evening, usually with a mixture of in-person and online participation; we have been doing this for almost ten years now. If you would like to be considered for joining this group, please be in touch.

On Wednesdays at noon PST, I offer a weekly half-hour meditation through Within.

I regularly lead the Thursday sitting and discussion for Zen Center, which you can find out about here. I will next be hosting on May 9th and 23rd, and June 20th.

At the end of June I will be offering a mindful hiking retreat at Green Gulch Farm.

My next visit to Wilbur Hot Springs to offer meditation, and possibly a mindful hike if the weather co-operates, will probably be later in the year.

I will also be at Tassajara from August 20th – 25th, leading study and probably hiking. Please be in touch with me if you would like to learn more about this opportunity.