Daido Loori

‘You should understand that no thing ever falls short of its own completeness. Wherever it stands, it never fails to cover the ground.’


  1. SweetMarie Avatar

    I love this, deeply comforting.. And I can’t explain why


  2. shundo Avatar

    Perhaps because we find it so hard to believe that nothing is actually wrong.


  3. Shalamah Yahchove DC Avatar

    And the awareness of ‘nothing is actually wrong’ leaves me feeling exposed, at times. Great comment!
    Deep Bow


  4. shundo Avatar

    I was discussing with a friend the difference between feeling undefended and feeling vulnerable… where are you landing?


  5. Shalamah Avatar

    I’m noticing Flashes of fear. And ‘undefended’ moments as I peak deeper within, not sure what will be exposed in my commitment of Self exploration; subconsciousness and consciousness awareness..


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